11 March, 2011

Url submission to search engines.

Hope you have successfully created your blog. Then you need to make your blog picked up by search engines. Follow the following step to submit and ping your blog to the search Engines. This will generate traffic for your blog. 
  1. Open site http://pingomatic.com/ in your Internet browser.
  2. In the "Blog Name" box enter "Online money in Pakistan"
  3. In the "Blog Home Page" box enter "http://adsensekpk.blogspot.com"
  4. Then in "Common Services" click "Check All" to have all services be selected.
  5. Then click the "Send Pings" button.
  6. Open site http://autopinger.com in your Internet browser.
  7. In the "Url" box enter "http://adsensekpk.blogspot.com"
  8. Then click the "Start Ping" button.
  9. Open site http://www.pingmyblog.com in your Internet browser.
  10. In the "Blog Name" box enter "Online Money In Pakistan"
  11. In the "Blog URL" box enter "http://adsensekpk.blogspot.com"
  12. Then click "Check All" to have all services be selected.
  13. Then click "I agree with Terms Of Service".
  14. Then click the "Ping MY Blog" button.
  15. Open site http://www.feedping.com in your Internet browser.
  16. In the "Blog / Site Name:" box enter "Online Money In Pakistan"
  17. In the "Blog / Site URL " box enter "http://adsensekpk.blogspot.com"
  18. Then click "Check All" to have all services be selected.
  19. Then click "I agree to Terms of Service".
  20. Then click the "PING ONLY ONCE" button.
  21. Open site http://blogsearch.google.com/ping in your Internet browser.
  22. In the "Your blog's address:" box enter "http://adsensekpk.blogspot.com"
  23. Then click the "Submit Blog" button.
  24. Open site http://pingler.com in your Internet browser.
  25. In the "Website Name or Title:" box enter "Online Money In Pakistan"
  26. In the "Website Url:" box enter "http://adsensekpk.blogspot.com"
  27. Then enter text in the captcha image in "Enter the Captcha Text" box.
  28. Then click the "Ping My Site" button.

Blogger templates