21 June, 2013

The Power of Article Marketing Combined With Adsense Create Explosive Incomes

The Power of Article Marketing Combined With Adsense Create Explosive Incomes 

The Power of Article Marketing Combined With Adsense Create Explosive Incomes
Google quickly disassociated themselves from those auto generated SPAM websites. These websites were considered low class, ghetto real estate. The Googlebots are snobs and look down their innovative technologically savvy noses at any site that does provide high quality content to their customers.
Slumlords in the real world may create wealth by owning less than desirable property. However, on the Internet, your virtual real estate must be top of the line or you may as well be off-line. This makes good Ad-sense.
Google has no intention of losing their dominance in the lucrative Search Engine market by allowing
spammy websites, low quality content sites or cheaters to exploit their vast empire of web surfers. Google will not allow anyone to interfere with their plan to dominate the world as the premiere information provider.
Google earns a ton of money per month from premium advertisers who only want to place their advertising on credible relevant websites. To keep their premium advertisers happily paying premium prices for targeted visitors to their site, Google must give their millions of searchers exactly what they want. This instant gratification is what makes the Google world go around and is also what makes their profits go up on a daily basis.
Relevant content is king on the Internet. Relevant content is best provided through articles. Articles on premier article sites bring the snobby Googlebots dancing and singing direct to your Adsense enabled website.
A quality article written around a specific niche can provide income on two levels. The written article submitted to the article directories can drive traffic to your website. Having more relevant articles on your websites keeps the Googlebots happy. It is a fact that articles and blogs get indexed quicker in than websites. From a marketing standpoint a well-written article is worth a thousand eyes looking at your Adsense enabled websites.
The major changes in the Adsense program represent significant gains for legitimate Adsense publishers. Google, in an unending quest for relevant content provides some great benefits for those individuals who provide quality content on their websites.
Many Adsense gurus argue that relevance is a quality judgment made by the Search Engines. This may very well be the case. However, relevance is in the eye of the beholder. The beholder in this case is a web surfer. It is the human eye that reads and understands what is on your websites. The Googlebots are being programmed to utilize artificial intelligence. Each day, the quest is to product a computer program that will understand relevance.
The relevance quotient that is created by the Google standards is some secret complex formula. Those of us who are mathematically challenged cannot even begin to comprehend the intricacies of this formula.
The final analysis of what is relevant will come from human beings who read and understand what is written on your website. The end user will be the final judge and jury of the relevance of this information.
The long term advertising/marketing strategy of writing articles and submitting them to the article directories to increase traffic and sales will never lose their importance or their impact on the bottom line.
What Google requires from you as an Adsense publisher is to provide relevant content. The content you provide via articles is exactly what people are searching for. People want answers and solutions to their problem. The best way to provide this information is with an article.
Virginia Sanders is an avid reader and participant in online opportunities. She is past president of OJA (Opportunity Junkie Anonymous). Virginia lives in Sacramento, CA. Mother of twin daughters and “Nana” to a precocious 8-year-old nicknamed Tre’. To start earning income with Adsense you need this software Build an Adsense Virtual Empire with Articles [http://www.rewritepros.com/articlesitepowerkit]

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