07 March, 2011

How to make your free website to earn regularly?

If you are serious to start earning money online on regular basis then you have need to your own website. There are several ways available on the internet who has providing  free hosting whoever in this post we learn about www.blogger.com which is a part of www.google.com providing free hosting platform on the internet world wide. You can use your blogs for everything from updating your friends and family about your life, giving your own advice column, discussing your political views, or relating your experience in a topic of interest. You can host blogs with multiple contributors, or you can run your own. 
In other words Blogger.com is a free publishing service that allows private or multi user blogs with time stamped entries. It was created by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. Generally, the blogs are hosted by Google at subdomain of blogspot.com. Blogs, short  meaning is "web-logs", is a form of online journal. I think it is similar to diary.  
Signup a Blogger account takes three easy steps. First create a fresh gmail account (recommended), after creating gmail account, browse blgger.com, you will seen the following page.
 Inter your gmil address and password and click the  sign in tab. After clicking the sign in tab you will see the following page, sayings "Once you complete this process you will be able to log in to blogger using your google account email and password.
On this page inter your name which you want to appear on your website (Blog). In the next tab inter your Gender and click the blank tab to accept the Toc and then click the Continue button at the bottom of this page mentioned in red arrow symbol.  On the next step the following page will be appear before you.
On this page you will need to select your first website (Blog). Select the name of your blog which is related to your content you want to write on your blog, for example I want to create a blog about online money making, so I select this name " Online Money in Pakistan".
Select your website address and then click on the check availability to check the address you have selected is available or not if your selected address is not available and already been taken by any one then select another address and check if available then click the continue button mentioned in the red arrow proceed the next step. You will see the next page as below. 
Select your template and click the continue button and go to the next step. In this step you will see that your blog has been created.
Click the continue button and your blog is ready and this is your dashboard.

  Click the create your blog now button and go to start your first blog and write your first post.

Select title for your first post and start free hosting. Remember when you complete your post then don't forget to add some tags in the Labels tab related to your post it will be help your visitor to search your content in the future.  Then click on the publish button on left bottom corner to fish your post. That's it!

Blogger templates