15 June, 2013

Adsense is Not A Secret

Adsense is Not A Secret
Adsense is one of the most attractive home based business models. You do not have to stock or provide physical service to anyone. Everything is done virtually. Who can argue that creating a website, putting ads on it and getting paid everyday when someone clicks on those ads is not easy.
Ok, you do have to use your creative mind, research, analytical skills, and time.
The hardest part to the Adsense business is that you have to continue to stay abreast of what changes are occurring with search engine algorithms. In an effort to reduce the return of sites with poor content Google has implemented numerous changes to their search engines to eliminate junk or spam web sites coming up when you do a search.
Google has set the standard for other search engines like MSN and Yahoo. In order to become an Adsense marketers cater to their market by providing them with information or services of their interest. Typically marketers look for a market niche in a keyword or phrase with high search volume trends and minimal competition.
Using keywords marketers then create Blogs, Forums, Ezines, etc jammed packed with articles and other information surrounding their niche. Once signed up with Google they will instruct you on how to place Adsense ads on your website and how you get paid (every two weeks).
Google gives quality structured sites with quality content high page ranking which means when people search on your keyword phrase they are more than not going to see your web site. That being said, it is important to know what Google considers quality content. If you have an Adwords account (if not, get one now!) you can use its keyword variation tool to see keyword trends.
Google prohibits webmasters from creating sites that use phrases like “click on my Adsense ads” so get that out of your head. Google is a very wealthy company and they have devoted resources to prevent “click fraud”.
Latent Semantic Indexing has been the buzz phrase in the Internet Market where Search Engine Optimization is crucial to success. In short, Google is on the cutting edge of creating an algorithm that can determine if a website has quality content by the words it uses in conjunction with its keywords.
What this means for Adsense marketers is that you won’t be able to create a site that repeats a word or phrase multiple times and hope to get high page rank.
As well as the proper choice of content there have been numerous tests performed to determine what website directory structure Googlebots favor over others. The sites with a Silo directory structure are out ranking others in competitive markets simply because where and how that information is placed within the site directory structure is easy for the Googlebot to determine the quality of the content.
What this means for those of you interested in Adsense is that you must first find a niche, build a website based off that niche (research), ensure you’re using LSI in your content structure, set up a Silo directory structure and post your home page to web directories for indexing.
It is a proven fact that websites with content in line with LSI and a Silo structure get higher page rank for certain keywords than those without.
Sure, you could build a website, sign-up with Google Adsense, place Google ads on your site and pray you get to the top of the search engines and generate Adsense income. The fact is that if you follow this method you will never generate any income. Learn LSI and Silo website structure first and then build your Adsense Empire.

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