Check your web site and make certain you doing these few easy steps for best results at intervals the serps.
1) Guarantee your web site page titles state what you are doing or what you offer, it ought to contain the primary few words a client would kind into an exploration engine (keywords) when longing for your product or service. produce a singular title for each page in your web site.
Good Page Title “Easy Health For Kids”
Bad Page Title “The Sweet Shop”
2) Your site meta description ought to be a brief snippet of what your web site or page is regarding, it’s best used as a decision to action (encourage folks to click your link) combined together with your relevant keywords, try and keep it no quite 2 lines long.
Good Description “Healthy Snacks and Treats. for teenagers of All Ages. Attempt these concepts, or use them as a start line for your children to create their own healthy food…”
Bad Description “We wouldn’t let our children eat sugar straight from the sugar bowl. However we tend to tend to not admit the sugar … Healthy snacks for teenagers – reality or fiction …”
3) At the highest most a part of your websites body you ought to have a heading in most cases it ought to be terribly kind of like your page title. It’s best formatted at intervals the html using the proper heading tag Heading Here, you'll be able to conjointly you h2, h3, h4 and thus on to indicate sub headings on your page.
4) Usually overlooked is that the Web Pages file name, rather than saving your page a front page html or page html attempt employing a keyword phrase within the file name like treats-for-kids.html separate every word with a hyphen – Note don’t rename your index.html, index.htm , index.php or the other file known as index as a keyword.
5) Add an alt text description to every of your websites main pictures (not the formatting / nav images) simply many words for every image helps the search engines perceive what the image is, you'll be able to conjointly save these pictures using keywords within the same manner because the page file name. thus rather than image1.gif you'll have healthy-choc-treat.gif